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Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS.

round round

Blog: State of SharePoint Client Side Development | January 2021

Let’s kick off my first update for 2021 by taking a look at the State of SharePoint Client-Side Development. In this post, I’ll give you an update on where we are with popular frameworks and tools developers use in the client-side SharePoint development world.

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State of SharePoint Client Side Development | January 2021

Blog: State of SharePoint Client Side Development | December 2020

As we near the end of 2020, I wanted to take a look at where we are with respect to the State of SharePoint Client-Side Development. In this post, I’ll give you an update on where we are with popular frameworks and tools developers use in the client-side SharePoint development world.

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State of SharePoint Client Side Development | December 2020

Blog: The Good, Bad & the Ugly: Using Angular Elements with the SharePoint Framework

In this series, I showed you how to build custom elements, a native web technology supported natively by most browsers (except you Edge & IE…) and presented two options for how you can go about it. One option involves using one big project with the SharePoint Framework & Angular in it while the other utilizes two projects to mitigate the downsides of the one-project approach. So, you can now use Angular in SharePoint Framework projects and this is made possible by Angular Elements which was introduced in Angular v6 back in May 2017. Sweet! We’ve got the “can you do it” question answered! But, should you do it? There are always tradeoffs when picking a web framework for your next project and using one with the SharePoint Framework is no different. Let’s take a step back and look at the whole picture. Only then can you decide if it makes sense for you.

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The Good, Bad & the Ugly: Using Angular Elements with the SharePoint Framework

Blog: Using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects

This has been a long time coming and many of you Angular developers who also work with the SharePoint Framework may have given up by now and switched to React, but for those of you who have been holding out, Angular is finally a viable option for SPFx development even with a few drawbacks.

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Using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects

Blog: Mastering the SharePoint Framework - Course update November 2018 (sprint 12 complete)

This month’s update on my Mastering the SharePoint Framework course features the transition from one sprint to the next. Sprint 12 Complete I published the final pieces of Sprint 12 this week. This includes a new chapter in the Ultimate Bundle, new lessons in two Fundamentals Bundle chapters and a bunch of fixes! Want to get the details? Join me on Facebook Live for a sprint release party tomorrow, Thursday, November 1 at 1pm ET to see what’s in sprint 12 & get a sneak peek to what is planned for sprint 13, Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals & more!

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Mastering the SharePoint Framework - Course update November 2018 (sprint 12 complete)

Blog: HowTo: Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects - Two Projects

In my last post, I talked about using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework projects. That post showed how to do this using a single SharePoint Framework Project. In this post, I show you a much better option that uses two projects.

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HowTo: Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects - Two Projects

Blog: HowTo: Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects - One Big Project

In my last post, I talked about using Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework projects. When doing this, you have two options on how you will implement this and in this post, I will talk about doing it in one big project that includes everything. In tomorrow’s post, I’ll show you a much better option that uses two projects.

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HowTo: Angular Elements in SharePoint Framework Projects - One Big Project

Blog: Angular, React or Vue - What's the best for the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)?

Many developers picking up the SharePoint Framework are coming from a traditional SharePoint development background. Some of these people server-side developers primarily who may have some client-side development experience while others may have been customizing SharePoint using client-side development techniques for a while.

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Angular, React or Vue - What's the best for the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)?

Blog: Solve the SharePoint Framework + Angular Challenge with Angular 5.0 Elements

Last week at the European SharePoint Conference 2017 (ESPC) in Dublin, Ireland, Rob Wormald presented on a new tech being added to the core of Angular that I think will make Angular much more approachable and useful to so many developers. Unfortunately, this session wasn’t recorded nor did I have the opportunity to attend due to co-chairing another conference in Orlando at the same time. I am familiar with the topic though as I’ve been assisting the Angular team in understanding SharePoint & the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) over the last few months. Over that time, I’ve become sold on this approach, not just for SPFx, but for Angular as a whole! In this post, I want to explain how this works.

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Solve the SharePoint Framework + Angular Challenge with Angular 5.0 Elements

Blog: What's up with Angular (v2.x / v4.x) and the SharePoint Framework?

This post is long, LONG overdue. I’ve explained this multiple times over email & in person to SharePoint Framework developers. It’s about time I have something to point to… so here’s my take on the SharePoint Framework + Angular [v2.0 / v4.0 / v+] state of things. Have you tried to build a client-side web part using the SharePoint Framework using something other than ReactJS? Maybe you prefer using Angular over React… I know I do! While using AngularJS to create SPFx solutions is fairly straightforward, using Angular is a bit more complicated.

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What's up with Angular (v2.x / v4.x) and the SharePoint Framework?

Blog: Interview: Using Angular with Office Add-ins and UI Fabric

Listen to my interview on the Adventures in Angular podcast, where I discuss using Angular within Office Add-ins and the Office UI Fabric.

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Interview: Using Angular with Office Add-ins and UI Fabric

Blog: ng-OfficeUIFabric: Angular Directives for Office UI Fabric

Advancing Office UI Fabric integration with Angular through community-driven projects, providing demos and references akin to Bootstrap’s ease of use.

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ng-OfficeUIFabric: Angular Directives for Office UI Fabric

Blog: Sharing my SharePoint Hosted Apps as a SPA UX Templates

Building a SPA as a SharePoint-Hosted App requires deciding on the UX implementation. Options like jQuery UI or Bootstrap are available

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Sharing my SharePoint Hosted Apps as a SPA UX Templates

Blog: SharePoint Hosted Apps in SP2013 as Single Page Apps

In this article, I share additional thoughts from my recent sessions about workflow development and SharePoint Hosted apps at SharePoint Evolutions.

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SharePoint Hosted Apps in SP2013 as Single Page Apps