Pre-release: Fundamentals of Mastering SharePoint Framework

As the creator of 'Mastering the SharePoint Framework' course, I'm excited to announce the pre-release of our fundamentals bundle.

By Last Updated: July 11, 2017 3 minutes read


Over the last few weeks I’ve steadily received more and more questions from developers about the status & ETA of my online course for developers: Mastering the SharePoint Framework by Voitanos. Let’s just cut to the chase and tell you what you are looking for:

Fundamentals Bundle Pre-Release - End of August 2017

There… I said it… finally! This drop of the course will include a considerable portion of the entire fundamentals bundle that I have planned for the entire course. The chapters included in this bundle will be enough for anyone to get up and running with the SharePoint Framework fairly quickly.

Following this pre-release, you can expect a new drop of additional content roughly once a month until the entire course has been published. These drops will progressively add content from the Ultimate bundle.

If you want to learn more about what’s in the different bundles, head over to the course page on to learn more.

Over the next two months I will share details on pricing & chapters you will find in the course. The best way to get this information first, as well as get access to some exclusive offers is to sign up to my mailing list here!

Now for the hard part of this post…

What’s Taken So Long?

First, allow me to recap:

  • In October 2016 I announced Voitanos & the first course I was working on: Mastering the SharePoint Framework (the one listed above).
  • Then in February of this year I published a FREE 10-day email course on the new development toolchain the SharePoint Framework leverages which has been incredibly successful. Thousands of developers have gone through the email course and I couldn’t be happier with the response I’ve received!
  • A month later in March I published the FREE starter bundle of the course. Yet again I’m thrilled with how that’s going, both in the numbers who have enrolled, gone through it and the responses I’m received.

My original plan was to get the course released in the first half of 2017. Late last year I decided I’d wrap up all project work and dedicate all my time working on the course. Heck, for the first time in my life I even fired a customer.

I don’t want to make excuses… so when people were asking “where is it”, I just punted the question. Frankly, I wasn’t comfortable sharing the reasons why.

The problem with this plan was that life doesn’t always care what your plans are. I’m going to exercise some privacy and not share some personal stuff, but suffice to say I had to pickup some work to kick start cash flow when life threw my family some unexpected & significant curve balls in 2017. Everything is fine, but this project based work took me away from the course, but it’s done it’s job: bring in some revenue.

Moving Forward

Thankfully for the last month I have been able to get back to dedicating a lot more time on the course. Content plans, sprints & timelines have all been revised and I’m back on a schedule I’m comfortable with. It’s aggressive, but it is doable.

To those of you who’ve been asking for an update and been patient with me, please accept my most sincere thank you. I’m really looking forward to sharing the full course outline, pricing and releasing it over the next few months and beyond!