MS-600 Exam Prep - Content Complete - new chapters on SharePoint & Microsoft Teams

By Last Updated: February 18, 2025 3 minutes read

Back in October 2020, when I announced and launched my latest course MS-600 Exam Prep - Building apps with Microsoft 365 Core Services, I committed to reaching the content complete milestone in February 2021.

I started by releasing the first 1/3 of the course in December & followed by releasing another 1/3 in mid January. I was pumped as I was expecting to release the last 1/3 of the content in late January, ahead of schedule!

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen… COVID had different plans. Sparing you the details, but regardless of how careful we were, half of my family contracted the virus. We were fortunate in that my wife & daughter never caught it, my son was asymptomatic, and while my symptoms were relatively mild, it kept me from working (“brain fog” & extreme fatigue) & recording (cough/respiratory issues).

Thankfully that episode is behind us (except losing the sense of taste & smell that’s lingering 4 weeks later!) and I was able to get rolling again. I’m excited to share with you that the final two chapters will be published, true to my commitment, by the end of February 2021!

Content complete milestone = ✅

This marks the completion of the sprint 3 milestone. At this point, once the final two chapters are published, the course is content complete. This means, effective March 1:

  • The new course will be $275
    • The pre-release price ($249) will expire at the end of February 2021
  • New students will have 90 days access to the course when the register
    • If you register before March 1, you’ll have access through the end of May 2021.

If you’re already a subscriber of the course, first, thank you🙏❤️ ! I’ll send an email out to all existing students when these two chapters are available in your course library.

New chapters

The two chapters that will be published by the end of February, available to all current and new subscribers, are:

Extend & customize SharePoint

In this chapter, you’ll learn what topics you need to focus on related to SharePoint in order to pass this section of the MS-600 exam including SPFx, leveraging Microsoft Graph, third party APIs, and using SPFx in Microsoft Teams solutions.

Microsoft SharePoint is a customizable platform that developers can extend with custom components. The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is the recommended development model to extend the modern SharePoint experience.

Extend Microsoft Teams

In this chapter, you’ll learn what topics you need to focus on related to Microsoft Teams in order to pass this section of the MS-600 exam.

Microsoft Teams is an extensible platform you can create custom apps on. Apps for Microsoft Teams can be as simple or as complex as you need, from sending notifications to channels or users to complex multi-surface apps incorporating conversational bots, natural language processing, and embedded web experiences. You can build apps for an individual, your team, your organization, or for all Microsoft Teams users everywhere.

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