Microsoft 365 MS-600 Exam Prep Course Refreshed - New content, resources, & introducing practice test questions!

I'm excited to announce what's in the latest refresh of my MS-600 exam prep course! New content, over 300 practice test questions and more!

By Last Updated: February 20, 2025 5 minutes read

Introducing our MS-600 Exam Prep course!

Just two months have passed since I announced the completion of my MS-600 Exam Prep - Building apps with Microsoft 365 Core Services course.

Just because it’s finished, doesn’t mean I stopped working on the course. Once it was finished, I immediately got to work on something I’ve been wanting to add to the course.

Introducing our MS-600 Exam Prep course!

In this post, I’ll cover what’s in the course refresh, including:

Congrats to newly certified Microsoft 365 developers!

But, before I share what’s new, I want to congratulate a few students who recently shared in our student-only mastermind group they passed the MS-600 and are now certified! Please join me in celebrating their success!

Congrats Pepe Way!

Congrats Pepe Way!

Congrats Nhoj Tlag!

Congrats Nhoj Tlag!

Congrats Oswaldo Ortiz!

Congrats Oswaldo Ortiz!

Congrats Basti Muller!

Congrats Basti Muller!

I love seeing posts like these and how the course helped these developers!

OK, now let’s get to what’s new in the course.

Test your knowledge with 300+ practice test questions!

This was a feature request I kept hearing from developers, both students & prospective students. Adding practice questions to the course was always in my original plan, but I didn’t want to over promise and instead focus on getting the lessons out as soon as possible.

Once the course content was complete in February, I immediately set to work on writing & adding practice questions to each of the five (5) workloads. The course now includes over 300 practice questions students can use to test their knowledge prior to taking the exam.

Each workload contains three (3) practice tests with ~20 questions each, resulting in ~60 questions per workload.

Questions are graded on the same scale as the MS-600 exam: you have to get 70% or more correct to pass the practice test.

Where did the questions come from?

As I shared on the course page, Microsoft hired me to write the Microsoft Learning modules that support the MS-600 exam. In each of these modules, I included a bunch of questions as checkpoints.

I’ve included a subset of those publicly available questions in the course practice tests as well. These account for less than 30% of the questions in my course.

Building off my experience and some of my student’s experiences taking the exam, I wrote 200+ additional practice questions. I made sure to include a good mix of difficulty in these questions so you can be sure they’ll be great practice prior to you taking the exam.

Better than the competition

Before adding these practice questions, I checked out what some of the other practice tests on the market looked like. Wow… there are some bad options out there.

Like really, REALLY bad. I was shocked people actually pay for those low-quality competitors!

Not only were some blatantly incorrect, but some were written to confuse or trick you, while you had no chance at success with others. For example, I’ll never forget one that told you to pick the method that completed the provided code statement… but they didn’t even include the code!

No extra cost - included in your course enrollment

My practice test questions are included in your course enrollment at no extra cost, nor am I raising the price in the course.

Unlike the competition, I’m not changing you extra for the practice questions. Others charged up to $300 for practice exam questions… even Microsoft’s official practice tests cost $100-$110!

Not mine… my practice test is part of your course enrollment. This course is supposed to be the best resource to get ready for the exam, and you need practice questions to do that.

And all existing students immediately have access to practice test questions… just sign in and check each chapter workload. They’re already there… surprise!

But that’s not all, I’ll keep adding questions

As time progresses, I’ll keep talking to students who’ve taken the exam and get feedback on things that stumped or surprised them. Based on that information, I’ll keep updating the course and adding to the question pool so you can be assured of the best exam prep experience!

Single Sign-on (SSO) support in Microsoft Teams & Office Add-ins

Late last year, Microsoft introduced support for single sign-on (SSO) in both Office Add-ins and Microsoft Teams. While the exam hasn’t been updated just yet to include questions on these topics, it’s absolutely coming.

When? Not sure… Microsoft hasn’t said, but they have said it will be covered.

My recommendation is for you to know it. Not just for the exam, but for your projects as it’s a great option in many scenarios.

Therefore, I added resources for you to use when studying for the exam, and detailed walk through with a UML sequence diagram. You’ll find these in the Microsoft Teams chapter (see the lessons on tabs & bots) and the Extend Office chapter (see the lesson on capabilities).

New Microsoft Learning & documentation resources

In the last month, I published three new modules for Microsoft Learning. Two are were for Microsoft Teams (working with Microsoft Graph’s teamwork endpoint & SSO) and one for Office Add-ins (SSO)).

These new modules and supporting documentation are all included in the course master list of links all students have access to.

That’s it for the latest refresh!

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