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Mastering the SharePoint Framework - Sprint 16 adds SPFx with Teams, SPA's and Tons of Updates

Mastering the SharePoint Framework - Sprint 16 adds SPFx with Teams, SPA's and Tons of Updates
by Andrew Connell

Last updated March 28, 2025
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I’m excited to share this latest update to my course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework for developers. This update, packaged as sprint 16, includes one new chapter and a LOT of updates. All content will be made available to all customers tomorrow (Tuesday, May 7, 2019).

Before I dive into the details of what I’ve packed into this course update, I to let you know I’m hosting a “go live” party via a Facebook Live event next Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 11am ET. This will be streamed live from the Voitanos Facebook page. Tune in to learn more and even ask questions.

When I originally planned out sprint 16, I intended to record a lot of new content. However when the SPFx v1.8.0 release came out there were enough changes to SPFx that I decided to go back and update the course, including adding some new lessons, completely re-recording existing lessons and updating quite a few lessons (both video & notes). All in all you will find:

  • New chapter in Ultimate Bundle:
    • Client Side Web Parts - Advanced: SPAs, Microsoft Teams and More
  • New lessons:
    • chapter: Dig into the SharePoint Framework - Upgrade the TypeScript Version in SPFx Projects
    • chapter: Deployment to Production - Isolated Web Parts
  • Updated lessons:
    • chapter: Your First SharePoint Framework Project - re-recorded most lessons to reflect current SPFx Yeoman generator prompts & code refactorings got property panes
    • chapter: Set up Your Developer Environment - updated the guidance on what version of Node.js is supported
    • chapter: Client-Side Web Parts - updated lessons to reflect current SPFx Yeoman generator prompts & code refactorings got property panes
    • chapter: Property Panes for Client-Side Web Parts - updated lessons to reflect current SPFx Yeoman generator prompts & code refactorings got property panes
    • chapter: Working with React in SPFx Solutions - updated Fabric React lessons to reflect latest guidance
    • chapter: Automated Testing of SharePoint Framework Solutions - updated lessons for using the latest versions of TypeScript

You can find a lot more detail in the course update page that includes everything for sprint 16 even though it won’t be published until next week. There are changes in all three of the course bundles: Starter, Fundamentals and Ultimate!

Save 15% on either bundle of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework through Friday, May 10, 2019 ET when you use the code SPFXSPRINT16. This includes both the Fundamentals & Ultimate Bundles

There are a few things I want to call out in this update that are noteworthy.

New Chapter: Client-Side Web Parts Advanced - SPAs, Microsoft Teams & More

In the last few months, Microsoft has added the ability to use SPFx web parts in two new scenarios in SharePoint Online, expanding on the existing ability to use them in SharePoint sites. The two options are adding a web part to a site as a full page application & as a tab in Microsoft Teams.

The ability for SPFx to support single page apps (SPAs) has been a popular request since SPFx was released. This new capability essentially allows us to deploy a web part as the delivery vehicle to host a single page app on a brand new page. Microsoft calls this Full Page App Pages.

In addition to SPAs, another big improvement that SPFx introduced was the ability to use SPFx web parts as custom tabs in Microsoft Teams teams. What’s cool about this option to extend Microsoft Teams is that all the experience & tools you have with the SharePoint Framework can be leveraged. This includes calling things like the SharePoint REST API, Microsoft Graph & more without having to deal with authentication as the SPFx API takes care of this for you!

Is this is the start of seeing how we can use the SharePoint Framework in different places other than just SharePoint? Seems like it… which is why I’ve created a new chapter to include all these different things we get in the future. The chapter focuses on how to leverage SPFx components, specifically web parts, in other surfaces.

New Lessons: Isolated Web Parts

I added a couple of new lessons explaining & demonstrating the new way you can deploy web parts in SharePoint Online. This new way, Isolated Web Parts, brings the isolated or secure nature of the SharePoint Add-in model to SPFx. In this new module, SPFx web parts get their own Microsoft Entra ID application, their own unique domain & are rendered in an IFRAME rather than a DIV to leverage existing cross-site-scripting controls in browsers. You’ll find these new lessons in the Deployment to Production in the Fundamentals bundle.

Course Updates to existing Lessons

Microsoft has made a lot of changes in the SharePoint Framework generator lately… enough that warranted me to go back and rerecord some lessons as well as add some embellishments to the videos or lesson notes. The big things include:

  • SharePoint Yeoman generator questions
  • Project structure (new & removed folders & files)
  • Updated guidance to Fabric React usage
  • Ability to change the version of TypeScript used in your project
  • Code refactoring for web part property pane related controls

I’ve ensured that everything is accounted for in the sprint 16 release. If you want to see the nit-picky details, check the course update page.

Andrew Connell, Microsoft MVP, Full-Stack Developer & Chief Course Artisan - Voitanos LLC.
Andrew Connell

Microsoft MVP, Full-Stack Developer & Chief Course Artisan - Voitanos LLC.

Andrew Connell is a full stack developer who focuses on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s a 20+ year recipient of Microsoft’s MVP award and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Whether it’s an introduction to the entire ecosystem, or a deep dive into a specific software, his resources, tools, and support help web developers become experts in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, so they can become irreplaceable in their organization.

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