This month’s update on my Mastering the SharePoint Framework course features the transition from one sprint to the next.
Sprint 11 Complete
Earlier this week, I published the final pieces of Sprint 11. Two new chapters, the first chapters in the Ultimate Bundle! I also hosted the first Facebook Live sprint release party this week… if you missed it, you can get access to the recording here: Voitanos @ Facebook Live
Automated Testing of SharePoint Framework Solutions
This chapter starts with an overview of automated testing for client-side projects. It then dives into the world of testing SPFx projects and features detailed demos of setting up your project for testing using the popular Jest test framework.
You’ll learn how to test your project including testing async methods and those that return Promises in addition to setting up code coverage reports.
Simplify Your Jest Set Up!
Setting up projects to use Jest, especially to test the rendering of your ReactJS SharePoint Framework projects & use the popular tool Enzyme for testing rendering, isn’t a trivial task, until now! Learn how in this article: Jest testing of SharePoint Framework projects in one step
Localizing SharePoint Framework Projects
The localization chapter introduces you to the multilingual support included in the SharePoint Framework that developers can leverage. You learn how to localize the metadata and content in your custom SPFx solutions for your users.
You can get more details on the changes from the course update page page on the site.
Sprint 12 Starts NOW!
Attendees of the yesterday’s September Office Hours and/or those who tuned into the Facebook Live session know that sprint 12 is up next. What’s planned for sprint 12?
A new chapter in the Ultimate course on using Angular, specifically Angular Elements, in SPFx projects! A few weeks ago I presented a half-day workshop on this topic at the SPFest Conference in Seattle, Washington. I used that workshop to try the messaging, and collect feedback from attendees on the demos and content. Following the workshop, I’ve made a lot of changes to improve the story and plan to use that in the chapter.
I am also going to update a few existing chapters to reflect some changes in the SPFx v1.6 release that came out this week such as:
- a lesson on deploying SPFx extensions tenant wide
- SharePoint Framework’s REST API batch support moving from preview to GA
- lessons added to the React chapter for testing React components
Mastering the SharePoint Framework Price Increase
Roughly one year ago, I launched my Mastering the SharePoint Framework course in preview. On the launch day, September 19, 2017, I ran a special sale but continued with what was a value price for the course bundles. That pricing model has held firm throughout with the Fundamentals bundle at $299 & the Ultimate bundle at $499. Over the last year, we now have nearly 20 hours of content across both bundles and have started publishing chapters in the Ultimate bundle (and will continue to do so until all planned chapters have been published).
This is an evergreen course which means I’m continuously adding new content and updating existing lessons when Microsoft releases new features. Keeping up with the changes takes a lot of effort and with the amount of content in the course, I am are increasing the price of both bundles to reflect the value in each offering.
Effective October 1, 2018, the new pricing for Mastering the SharePoint Framework the Fundamentals bundle will be $449 & the Ultimate bundle will be $749. Upgrading from one bundle to the next is also an option. Today upgrades are $200 but on October 1 they will increase to $300.
If you want to take advantage of the current pricing, make sure you purchase your desired bundle before October 1 because when the clock strikes midnight (eastern time) on September 30!
What about existing customers? Don’t worry… your subscription is not impacted by this (unless you want to upgrade from Fundamentals to Ultimate). You will continue to get all new and updated content added in the future.

Microsoft MVP, Full-Stack Developer & Chief Course Artisan - Voitanos LLC.
Andrew Connell is a full stack developer who focuses on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s a 20+ year recipient of Microsoft’s MVP award and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Whether it’s an introduction to the entire ecosystem, or a deep dive into a specific software, his resources, tools, and support help web developers become experts in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, so they can become irreplaceable in their organization.