Like other developers, I enjoy getting together and debating different points of view on today’s topics. But what’s rare is finding people who have thoughtful opinions, who admit when they don’t know something, but the confidence to lean in when they have the conviction.
I’m fortunate to have one such friend in Julie Turner! During the pandemic, when conferences were shut down and travel was restricted, I missed the conversations we shared at these events. But I didn’t realize how much I missed those conversations until this past May when we were both at a conference together for the first time. A few weeks later in a group call, we had the seed of an idea… and today I’m looking excited to share with you a new show!
Earlier this morning, we published the first five (5) episodes of CloudDev Clarity! In this show, Julie & I pick a topic to discus, sometimes taking the same or completely opposite positions, in roughly 30 minutes per episode. The topics will be mostly about development topics related to Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, and related technologies. You can expect new episodes every 3-4 weeks… or, depending on your feedback, maybe more often (let us know).
In episode 1, Julie & I answer the WHAT, WHY, and WHEN questions in more depth. Episodes 2 & 3 follow allowing each of us to introduce ourselves.
Then we get down to business. Episodes 4 & 5 is where we get to the point and discuss the pros and cons of linters in your projects or how to approach using an SDK vs going straight to source and work with the REST endpoints.
Julie and I have had a great time recording these and we’re looking forward to recording more! Please, let us know what you think and leave feedback by leaving a comment on each of the episodes.

Microsoft MVP, Full-Stack Developer & Chief Course Artisan - Voitanos LLC.
Andrew Connell is a full stack developer who focuses on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s a 20+ year recipient of Microsoft’s MVP award and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Whether it’s an introduction to the entire ecosystem, or a deep dive into a specific software, his resources, tools, and support help web developers become experts in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, so they can become irreplaceable in their organization.

Microsoft MVP, Principal Architect - Sympraxis Consulting
Julie has been building software on primarily the Microsoft platform for over 20 years. With a degree in Electrical Engineering specializing in microprocessor system design from Worcester Polytechnic Institute she came at software initially from a very low level but quickly realized a love and aptitude for developing rich user experiences and solutions. She worked her way up through internal IT ranks reaching a Director of IT position before realizing more impact could be made in consulting and really focused in on the SharePoint platform in 2007. Since then her focus has been on the SharePoint platform, Office 365, Azure, and client side development. She’s the co-author of the Widget Wrangler JavaScript library and continues to try and help innovate SharePoint and Office 365 solutions for her clients.